Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Karen Ancheta on Storytelling and The Hamilton Seven

Since our inaugural launch on December 18, 2016 at The Staircase Theatre, rumours on the streets about The Hamilton Seven have been getting around. So just to be clear, whatever you're hearing, its ALL true.

If you haven't met us yet, here's your chance: each member of the H7 will be introduced here on the blog, and will share a bit of their story of how they came to oral storytelling with The Hamilton Seven.
First up is the fabulous weaver of tales, Karen Ancheta:

My name is Karen Ancheta. I am a classically trained actor, also a singer/ director/ writer/ collage and photo enthusiast/ magpie and vintage collector and mama-bear.

I think everything starts with a story. I think it's all about throwing something up and seeing and hoping that people see a reflection and resonate with an experience or feeling or colour.

We fold and unfold origami-cally and organically brought together through the brilliant, curating, wizard-mind of Lisa Pijuan-Nomura, whose enthusiasm is infectious and her light dazzles and blinds me to without question: YES.

I enjoy sharing around a table at Ark and Anchor (where [The Hamilton Seven] meet) with people who are looking to fall in love and be tickled by each person's tale or tales on those special nights.
It's an easy, casual, intimate setting and such a rich group of people with so many varying experiences sitting at a long table. I enjoy the process of hearing about other people's process and feed back. Each session, our little collective helps each other so generously to sculpt and nudge each others story with their own enthusiasm and artistry. I trust these lovely people and their good guts. If what I share on that night resonates, then I feel good and confident sharing it with a bigger room. I carry their encouragement and warmth with me on stage.

[Stories I'm currently exploring with The Hamilton Seven are about...] Adventure. Actually EVERY story no matter what theme takes all of us on an adventure.

Hang In There, Baby! A Night of Storytelling

  After a long winter it's time for an evening of stories of resilience, resistance, awakenings and growth! Join us for an eclectic mix ...